Electronic Signing – Save Time and Money

What if you could virtually eliminate paperwork errors, save time handwriting loan documents, and make the signing process for your customers as simple as a few clicks of a mouse or swipes of a finger? Foundation Finance Company’s Kwik-Sign electronic loan document signing process does just that!

Electronic Document Signing

The process is simple:

1) Use our Kwik-Dealer website to generate your completed loan docs. Select “Electronic Signing” rather than “Print Docs”

2) Enter the customers’ email addresses. If you have a joint application, each borrower needs his or her own email address.

3) Hit submit – the documents are automatically routed by email to the applicant. Once the applicant signs, the documents are routed automatically by email to the co-applicant, if any. After the co-applicant signs (or the applicant, if it is an individual application), the documents are automatically routed to the dealer for final signing.

4) Once all parties have signed, completed copies of the loan documents are routed to the applicant, co-applicant, dealership and FFC. These documents are the originals, so there is nothing to mail or overnight, saving you time and money!

Documents can be signed from any Internet-enabled device where the signers can access email (computer, laptop, iPad or tablet, mobile phone, etc.).

Want more information on how the Kwik-Sign process can save you time and money? Give us a call at 1-855-241-0024 or sign up for a free webinar training. The schedule is posted HERE.


Foundation Finance Company offers flexible home improvement financing, water treatment financing, vacuum financing, retail financing and more for contractors, dealers and retailers in all 50 states. To receive your free dealer enrollment kit, visit THIS PAGE.

For dealer use only. Not a consumer advertisement. All credit products are subject to credit approval. Rates, terms, conditions, and promotional programs may vary by dealer and are subject to change without notice.
Note: Use of the terms "Loan," "Lender" and "Borrower" is for ease of reference only. Financings are in the form of retail installment contracts ("RIC").

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