Energy Efficient Summer Renovations

It might seem like jumping ahead to talk about summer when spring has just barely sprung (or not sprung as is the case at FFC Headquarters in Wisconsin), but spring is a great time to prepare your clients’ homes for the upcoming warmer months. These four renovations help decrease energy loss while improving over all energy efficiency in the home.

  • Replace windows and doors.

    Windows account for approximately 10-15% of homeowners’ power bills and should be replaced every 15 to 30 years. Windows with caulking gaps not only let in air but pests and other contaminants too. Non-weatherized doors and windows are the culprit of nearly 30% of the home energy loss. Warped door or window frames that do not shut properly should be replaced. If Energy Star windows are not in the client’s budget – caulking and weather stripping is a good temporary solution.

  • Add insulation and seal leaks.

    If your client’s home is drafty in general, it may be time to add new insulation and seal up the foundation. Adding a sealant around the foundation of the home will prevent energy loss. Cellulose insulation in the attic will help decrease energy loss and air infiltration.

  • Walls and floors.

    Even though they account for 10% of the home’s energy loss, walls and floors can be easy to forget. Caulking molding and baseboards help along with replacing the insulating gaskets behind light and electrical switches. Adding insulation doesn’t always mean tearing down walls. Loose fill insulation can be blown into walls and floors without doing demolition.

  • Updating the HVAC system.

    Making sure your client has the right heating and cooling system can make all the difference when it comes to keeping energy in the home. Aging ducts cause about 30# of the energy consumed by the home so it is important they are sealed properly.

Use spring to help your clients prepare their homes for the summer heat and save money on their energy bills. For larger projects, be sure to offer a low monthly payment with customer financing to get them cooler sooner rather than later.

Read more here.

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Note: Use of the terms "Loan," "Lender" and "Borrower" is for ease of reference only. Financings are in the form of retail installment contracts ("RIC").

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