Financing gives customers more buying power, affording them the ability to update their home with no compromises. That’s why promoting your financing options is just as important as promoting your other services and experience in your field. Many homeowners who could benefit from low monthly payments are not aware of financing options when they start thinking about improving their home. Work the possibility of financing throughout your sales pitch, website and marketing materials to reinforce the affordability of their project and increase your close rate.
Offer Financing.
Offer financing to every customer, every time. Make it obvious to every potential customer that your business provides financing. Include financing posters and window clings in your office and feature various financing specials on your website. Social media and email are also great ways to let your customers and leads know they don’t need to save thousands of dollars up front for their next project.
Close with Promos.
Offering special promos can bring in prospects and close more sales. Use them to overcome customer objections and tip on-the-fence customers into closed sales. Foundation Finance offers promos for ALL available customers, pleasing even the most price-sensitive customers. Current promos include:
Free Reduced APRs
Offer any approved customer a reduced rate for their entire contract term.
Same-as-Cash with Payments
No interest if the amount financed is paid in full before the end of the promotion period. Minimum payments are due monthly beginning 1 month from substantial project completion.
Same as Cash with Deferred Payments
No interest if the amount financed is paid in full in the promotion period. Monthly payments begin 6 or 12 months from substantial project completion.
Deferred Payments
The first payment is deferred 3 months. Interest accrues from day one and is not waived at any point during the loan term.
Customer payments are reduced to only half of the monthly payment for the first year. Available for revolving loans only.
Make It Easy.
Closing the sale often boils down to how comfortable a customer is with the project price and process. Present the price as both a low monthly payment and the full payment option so that each customer can make the choice that best fits their current needs. Then, let them know that you can help them apply for financing during an in-home visit or email/text them the financing application link.
Get Help.
Closing more sales is crucial to growing business and overcoming unexpected challenges. That’s why we offer you support in a variety of ways.
Enjoy on-demand videos that walk you through important processes such as accessing your dealer portal, submitting a credit application and generating documents with our dealer training playlist. Request one-on-one training here or contact our dealer support team at your convenience!
Dealer Support: 1-855-241-0024 | [email protected]
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