With the coronavirus steadily marching on, digital and remote sales tools are gaining greater appeal and, frankly, becoming a necessity. Keeping your employees and your customers safe and socially distanced has become a competitive component to growing your business.
As the desire for point-of-sale financing increases along with a rising home remodeling trend, using digital conveniences to secure customer financing is key to closing the sale. It’s also an amplifier to sales productivity. Make sure your sales team is aware and well-versed in the tools available at their fingertips.
Top tools from Foundation Finance for remote sales success:
No Contact Electronic Document Signing
Loan documents are sent remotely via DocuSign and signed digitally. The applicant(s) electronically sign the documents and a copy is emailed to the dealership for final signatures. No one needs to leave the home or office and no paperwork is physically transferred.
Decision Launchpad Website Link
A custom link can be added to your website or sent to customers via text/email to securely apply for credit. By clicking on the provided link, your customer can complete and submit their credit application online, without leaving their home or physically touching paperwork. The application is electronically transmitted directly to Foundation Finance and uploaded into the dealership’s secure DecisionLender portal.
New Dealer Portal Assets
A new and improved online dealer portal that enhances and supports your day-to-day experiences with Foundation Finance will soon be unveiled. Features including Driver’s License scanning and payment calculators will provide additional tools and resources to help strengthen your selling success.
Virtual resources
At foundationfinance.com you can access on-demand webinars, weekly live tutorials, educational articles and program training—all from your home or office. Schedule a staff training or watch a step-by-step video on the financing process. Explore Foundation Finance’s Dealer Resources.
Whether remote or in person, your business’ sales success also hinges on offering competitive financing. Attractive promotions such as same-as-cash and deferred payments are a must, as are dealer bonuses for digital conveniences like setting up customers with ACH payments. Learn more about Foundation Finance’s financing program or how to enroll in their dealer network.
You can build on us. Contact us today for more info: 1-855-241-0024, sales@foundationfinance.com.