What’s Our Super Power? More Approvals!

When your finance company approves more deals than 77% of loans that other lenders decline, that’s cape-worthy. It means we’re helping dealers close more sales, increase project sizes, and build their bottom lines. And, it means we’re making your customers’ home improvement dreams or unexpected needs happen. They’re happy, you’re happy, we’re happy. #superpowers

What gives us this spectacular advantage? We provide deeper, more flexible credit approvals because we don’t just use credit score as the only screening factor. We focus more on the applicant’s credit history including types of accounts open/closed, payment history, new debts, overall credit card debt, debt-to-income ratio, etc.

If you’re losing a sale because a lender turned down your customer’s financing, bring them to us and let our superpowers save the day! Our tiered approval system for both prime credit and second look financing helps you close more sales even for buyers with some credit challenges. Here are some tips for approval success:

Credit Application Tips

  • Get a co-applicant whenever possible. Even if one party has weaker credit, it provides a more complete picture of the application and the household income.
  • Make sure the homeowner is on the application.
  • Complete as much detail on the credit application as possible.
  • Let FFC know of any unusual situations upfront. The more information we have, the better our credit decisions will be for you.

Unlike banks or traditional “approve or deny” lenders, Foundation Finance can approve prime, near-prime and subprime customers with just one call. We don’t mind donning the cape and approving more loans that other lenders decline. In fact, we’re quite proud of it.

Foundation Finance should be your first choice in financing—we’ll review and approve your credit applications more often, and faster, than most other lenders.

Foundation Finance can help you close more sales. Leverage the power of competitive and convenient financing–every time you call on a customer! Contact us today for more info: 1-855-241-0024, sales@foundationfinance.com.

For dealer use only. Not a consumer advertisement. All credit products are subject to credit approval. Rates, terms, conditions, and promotional programs may vary by dealer and are subject to change without notice.
Note: Use of the terms "Loan," "Lender" and "Borrower" is for ease of reference only. Financings are in the form of retail installment contracts ("RIC").

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