Embracing New Technology: Digital Signatures

Working in an increasingly online, mobile world means embracing new technological trends that can save you and your customers time and money. Foundation Finance Company is now launching its “Kwik-Sign” digital signature program for loan document completion. Of course, dealers always have the option to complete loan documents by hand using hard copies or to use our Kwik-Dealer online system to generate forms that can be printed out and signed, but for dealers who have jumped on the technology bandwagon, the Kwik-Sign program offers a great, simple and FREE alternative.

Here’s how it works:

1) When generating loan documents using the Kwik-Dealer system, dealers simply select “Electronic Signing” rather than “Print Documents” on the “Complete Loan Documents” screen.

2) Digital copies of the loan documents are created by Docusign, the industry leader in digital signing technology. Learn more about Docusign at https://www.docusign.com/

3). Copies are sent to the applicant by email. The applicant adopts a digital signature and clicks the signature lines. When complete, copies are sent to the co-applicant’s email address and the co-applicant digitally signs. Then, copies are routed to the dealership by email for final signatures. Watch a short 2-minute overview of the process here: HOW IT WORKS

4) When all parties have signed, documents are routed automatically to FFC and copies are automatically emailed to the applicant, co-applicant and dealership. These documents ARE the originals, so there is nothing to send by FedEx or UPS, saving you money. Any supporting documents, completion certificates or ACH forms can simply be faxed to complete the file.

Why use Kwik-Sign


  • Save time:

    With just a few clicks, you can generate completed loan documents rather than hand-writing forms … and it’s only a few clicks for your customers to sign as well!

  • Save money:

    The digital documents ARE the originals, so there’s nothing to send by FedEx or UPS. Any additional required documents can be faxed to complete the loan.

  • Reduce errors:

    The Kwik-Dealer/Kwik-Sign process makes generating accurate loan documents and obtaining required signatures simple!

  • Documents are available anywhere you have Internet access:

    No more running back to the office or additional trips to the customer’s house. Simply send digital documents by email anytime, anywhere!

  • WOW your customers!

    Showing them you use the latest and greatest technology gives them confidence in all parts of your sale presentation.

Want to learn more? Sign up for our Kwik-Sign training webinars here: FREE WEBINAR ENROLLMENT. (There are sessions for “Kwik-Dealer,” which is the FULL training on our online system as well as “Kwik-Sign” which is the digital signature process specifically.)

… or give us a call at 1-855-241-0024 to learn more about how our programs can help you make and save money!


Foundation Finance Company offers water treatment financing, vacuum financing, home improvement financing, furniture financing, jewelry financing and more. If you have any questions on the types of financing we offer, give us a call at 1-855-241-0024.

For dealer use only. Not a consumer advertisement. All credit products are subject to credit approval. Rates, terms, conditions, and promotional programs may vary by dealer and are subject to change without notice.
Note: Use of the terms "Loan," "Lender" and "Borrower" is for ease of reference only. Financings are in the form of retail installment contracts ("RIC").

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