If you work in a part of the country where there’s snow, you definitely understand the difficulties that come with running your business in these months. Spring and summer are the busiest times of the year for remodelers. However, to balance work load and even out cash flow, many contractors complete jobs in the winter. Here are a few easy steps to make your winter remodeling projects more successful and rewarding for both you and your clients:
Plan ahead
Walk through the whole process beforehand with both your crew and your clients.
Protect your tools
While a tarp over your tools may be okay in the spring and summer, in the winter months it’s important to keep the supplies dry, warm and secure, especially if they are being kept outside.
Prepare a dust control plan
Most clients live in the home during the remodeling project so it’s especially critical in the winter (when all the windows will be closed) to be conscious about dust and fumes. Air quality control is a big deal in winter remodeling projects.
Be flexible
Work with your team and the homeowners to create a schedule and timeline that works for everyone. Be flexible, especially if the project is around the holidays.
For contractors to thrive during the winter months, keeping the job sites safe and clean and keeping communication open with their clients is a must.
Often times, winter remodeling projects can be less expensive for homeowners due to discounted materials. Even if that’s the case, your customers may still need low monthly payment options. Offer financing to your customers from Foundation Finance. Call us at 855.241.0024 ext. 5012 or email sales@foundationfinance.com for more information about our easy-to-use financing programs.
Read the full article here.