Social Distancing & Sales: Foundation Finance Has the Right Tools

Spring is typically a home improvement high season for contractors. But this spring, it’s everything but typical as the coronavirus crisis continues to throw a monkey wrench into seasonal sales highs.

Adapting to current conditions and taking advantage of the right tools to help keep your business moving forward as much as possible is essential. Simple changes such as prioritizing or prospecting exterior projects versus interior opportunities can help you adhere to physical distancing. Using digital conveniences to secure customer financing is key to comfortably closing a sale during the home improvement industry’s new normal.

Foundation Finance has the tools you need to succeed in the midst of social distancing.

DocuSign Electronic Signing

By far one of the best tools to use during an atmosphere of social distancing is DocuSign. Loan documents are sent remotely and signed digitally. When generating loan documents, dealers can select electronic signing and a digital copy is created and emailed to the customer. The applicant(s) electronically sign the documents and a copy is emailed to the dealership for final signatures. No one needs to leave the home or office and no paperwork is physically transferred.

Decision Launchpad Website Link

Customers can apply for credit in the comfort of their own home. By clicking on a custom link on your company website, your customer can conveniently complete and submit their credit application online, without leaving their home or physically touching paperwork. The application is electronically transmitted directly to Foundation Finance and updated into the dealership’s secure DecisionLender portal. Don’t have the link yet? Call us today!

Dealer Training and Virtual Resources

Online learning is happening now more than ever before. Hone your expertise in closing sales with in-house financing. Foundation Finance provides on-demand webinars, weekly live tutorials and program training you can access anytime, from your home or office. Schedule a training or watch a step-by-step video on the financing process. If you or your sales staff are sheltering at home, now is the time to learn…and ready yourself for the next sales high. Explore Foundation Finance’s Dealer Resources.

The right tools also include competitive financing that helps your customers achieve their home improvement needs. Foundation Finance is featuring several deferred payment specials and a 0% equal pay promotion through the end of April. We’re here for you!

Foundation Finance can help you close more sales. Leverage the power of competitive and convenient financing–every time you call on a customer! Contact us today for more info: 1-855-241-0024,

For dealer use only. Not a consumer advertisement. All credit products are subject to credit approval. Rates, terms, conditions, and promotional programs may vary by dealer and are subject to change without notice.
Note: Use of the terms "Loan," "Lender" and "Borrower" is for ease of reference only. Financings are in the form of retail installment contracts ("RIC").

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