Offering your customers home improvement financing helps you close more sales, improve cash flow and reduce cost-related objections. Foundation Finance’s dealer portal, LaunchPAD, is easy to use, but we’re always glad to help. Find training and support options to get the most from your partnership below!
Not a dealer yet? Enrolling is free and takes just a few minutes.
Have a question about home improvement financing or Foundation Finance Company? Check out our frequently asked questions! Here we discuss some of our most popular questions, such as how our partners get funded, what makes Foundation Finance different and how our financing programs can help your home improvement business.
Learn how to utilize FFC’s financing program to close more sales! We’ll cover all of the terms & promotions available and demo the web portal to enter applications, access documents and more! This helpful webinar is available to our dealers most Tuesdays. Enroll here.
Recorded Process Videos
Enjoy on-demand videos that walk you through important processes such as accessing your dealer portal, submitting a credit application and generating documents with our dealer training playlist.
One-on-One Training
Review our financing program basics and any other questions you may have with one of our dealer support experts. Request one-on-one training here or contact our dealer support team at your convenience!
Dealer Support: 1-855-241-0024 |
Not already a dealer? Enroll in the Foundation Finance dealer network today!