Consumer financing programs like same-as-cash financing or low monthly payment financing are commonplace in the retail world. You see them advertised at furniture stores, jewelry stores … even doctor’s offices. Why? Because they help those businesses attract new customers and close sales. So why are some home improvement contractors reluctant to offer financing?
Financing Closes More Sales
Home improvement contractors selling jobs like windows, siding, roofing, energy efficiency products, water treatment systems and other projects face the tough task of selling customers on price tags that are usually in the thousands. This can give buyers “sticker shock” – but here’s where offering low monthly payments can help. Rather than asking for $5000 at once, a home improvement contractor offering financing can say “The cash price is $5000 or we can do low monthly payments of $100/month. What works best for you?” By giving the customer low monthly payment options, home improvement contractors can take the price fear from the sale and even upsell to better-performing products for only a few extra dollars per month.
Some home improvement contractors worry that financing programs are too complicated to deal with. But by selecting the right financing partner – like Foundation Finance Company – our contractors have nothing to fear! Unlike a bank or mortgage company, our loan decisions are fast and easy. What’s more is our electronic signing option makes loan document completion simple and error-free. Our expert staff is available to help our contractors figure out what loan options will work best for them and their customers … and to make sure the process is hassle-free.
Want information on our new same-as-cash promotion? Give us a call today at 1-855-241-0024 or email [email protected] for full promotion details. Enroll as a dealer now and take advantage of this promotion before it is gone! It is fast and easy. Complete your application online here.