When you enroll in a financing program but don’t take the time to learn how to offer it, what’s the benefit in that? Maybe you think you can ‘wing it’ as you go, but that’s not doing you or your customers any good. Although the financing process may be simple, the details and steps required within that process can feel complicated if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Foundation Finance provides free training for all of its dealer partners—throughout the life of the partnership—with training tools designed to benefit a wide variety of learning styles. Training resources are easily accessible digitally. You can even download manuals, if that’s your style!
For example, if you prefer training via a live webinar that’s interactive and open to questions, that’s available. Or, maybe it’s easier to watch a YouTube video to brush up on a process while waiting for a customer to arrive. Easy to do! As a business owner, maybe you’d prefer a customized group training with your staff, or a quick training for a new employee. All doable.
Easily accessible, always free training at Foundation Finance:
Weekly Live Webinars With Our Dealer Support Experts
Every Tuesday and Thursday, dealers can participate in live webinars that cover everything from financing program basics to using the lender portal. Your entire staff can take advantage of this interactive training. Easy signup here!
Recorded Trainings Available On Demand
YouTube tutorials have become the go-to learning tool. Watch these helpful how-to videos featuring simple, step-by-step instruction on document download/upload processes, generating eSign emails and text messages, submitting a credit app and more. Watch them here!
Dealer Training via Phone or Email
Rated highly for its extensive support, Foundation Finance’s team is with you at every step as an extension of your own sales team. Questions arise, a process challenges you, a new employee needs training, a customer has a credit question – we’re just a phone call or email away. Email us now!
Dealers who regularly take advantage of Foundation Finance’s training support value the personalized experiences. Whether you’re a sole contractor, a franchisee or a business with several locations, there’s a training program or tool that will benefit you. Feeling confident about offering financing is the best bottom-line booster out there!
You can build on us. Enroll free in the Foundation Finance dealer network. Contact us for more info: 1-855-241-0024, sales@foundationfinance.com.