The Best Advertising Tool You Should Be Using

While business cards are thought to be outdated by some, they are arguably one of the simplest, least expensive ways to share your contact info with everyone you meet. One thousand business cards cost $50 or less which means pennies per card.

How To Advertise Your Home Improvement Business

Complex graphic designs aren’t necessary, simple is best. Include multiple ways to get in touch with you, because not everyone will want to use their smart phone or computer. A business card has to be more effective than stylish.

You should use both sides of the business card. Some things that are commonly forgotten are a brief description of what you do, your picture, fax number if you have one, and a physical address in case they need to snail mail you.

Including your picture is absolutely necessary because people are less likely to throw away a card with a photo on it. The description of the one or two things your company specifically focuses on will give a clear message to anyone who views your card.

Although the results will take some time, business cards will provide the highest rate of return on your advertising spending.

Read more here.

For dealer use only. Not a consumer advertisement. All credit products are subject to credit approval. Rates, terms, conditions, and promotional programs may vary by dealer and are subject to change without notice.
Note: Use of the terms "Loan," "Lender" and "Borrower" is for ease of reference only. Financings are in the form of retail installment contracts ("RIC").

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