The Importance of Dealer Onboarding

When a finance partner puts its focus on the success of the businesses within its network, an onboarding strategy is an important component. Communication, guidance, expert training and continuous interaction are musts for anyone learning a new process, especially one with the potential to increase the bottom line.

Foundation Finance has a multi-step approach to onboarding home improvement dealers that prepares them for financing success. We provide free training and expert dealer support throughout the life of the partnership. What’s our motivation? More closed sales!

Here’s what you can expect when you become a dealer with Foundation Finance:

Welcome Communication

Dealers receive several welcome communications that include an introductory phone call, emails, text messages, postcards and a resourceful welcome package. New dealers should take this opportunity to ask questions, explore the resources and build a partnership that will help grow their bottom line.

Aside from FFC reaching out to new dealers, we also want to hear back from them during the crucial first 30 days to get them fully acclimated for financing success!

Expert Dealer Support

From the moment the dealer enrollment application is completed, our dealer support team is at the ready. FFC is with dealers at every step as an extension of their own sales teams. Questions arise, a process is challenging, a new employee needs training, a customer has a credit question or assistance is needed completing paperwork. Our expert support is always free and just a phone call, email or text away.

Live Training

FFC holds live 30-minute webinars twice per week that cover everything from program basics to using the dealer portal. We encourage a dealer’s entire staff to take advantage of the interactive training. Better yet, schedule a live, customized training to cover topics and questions that resonate with your business.

Dealers who regularly take advantage of FFC’s training value the personalized experience and sincere attention provided from the dealer support team. Whether a sole contractor, a franchisee or a business with several locations, the FFC dealer team is wholly accommodating.

YouTube Videos & Process Documents

When it comes to processes, quick-touch tools such as one-page instructions, how-to videos and training manuals are extremely handy references. FFC has created a library of YouTube videos and process documents featuring helpful hints, step-by-step instructs, FAQs and guides that provide details on program- and state-specific reminders. Available on demand, any time.

Free Marketing Materials

From the day a dealer joins team FFC they have access to free window clings, flyers, posters, email templates and social posts to help build their sales pipeline by promoting financing to customers and prospects. All materials are available anytime and dealers are encouraged to stock up as soon as possible.

When you decide to become part of a dealer financing network, make sure you’re entering into a partnership with a strong support philosophy. Foundation Finance ensures its dealers will receive free training and expert dealer support throughout the life of the partnership.

You can build on us. Enroll free in the Foundation Finance dealer network. Contact us for more info: 1-855-241-0024,

For dealer use only. Not a consumer advertisement. All credit products are subject to credit approval. Rates, terms, conditions, and promotional programs may vary by dealer and are subject to change without notice.
Note: Use of the terms "Loan," "Lender" and "Borrower" is for ease of reference only. Financings are in the form of retail installment contracts ("RIC").

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